WizardKitMagic's avatar
Yaay I made Nasika laugh XD *day made* kekeke~
Usagi and Ami Glomp Icon 

Yess I reminded Tetris to make sure to tell you how adorable it is once he gets it in the mail!~ So hopefully you can check that off your commission list soon heh ^^;. Ohh we looved commissioning you and you had such great deals too! Your art is soo colorful and cute (and I love the poses)!!
Komari Serious Icon Jibril Fangirling Icon
I shall have to commission you again soon because yess so much fun getting to receive your art. X)
NasikaSakura's avatar
:iconyuiglompplz: :iconyuihugplz: :iconslowhugplz:
I would love to do more art for you guys! It was lots of fun. :heart: You had me drawing all kinds of things!! :giggle:
WizardKitMagic's avatar
yay!~ *huuggies*
Markiplier [Hugs and Llamas] <<<lololz XD
We should do an art trade sometime!! That would be so fun~ XD
Also! I'm all finished with exams. Ah! Could you maybe send me your number through a private message maybe we could hang out in the beginning of the new year? hehe Miketsukami Puppy Dog Eyes Icon 
I love how much I am spamming your Halloween picture still!~ Mwuahaha
NasikaSakura's avatar
Omigoodess, are you? XD Hahaha!
I would absolutely love to hang out again soon! :eager: My exams just ended too! I really hope we did well! ;u; Eep!
(GYAGYAGAGAYAGYA~ I just realized how cute that Markiplied gif is~ Nyeh~
I love Markimoo~ :heart: )
WizardKitMagic's avatar
I agree >V< i'm sure we did fine!
I know right heheh I knew you would appreciate that gif XDD
also alpacasso hugs *squee*
Llama Emoji-74 (My kawaii cheeks) [V4]