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dinosaurusgede's avatar
The Captain is the silent type but he likes to lecture his youngsters if they do anything silly (read : Edo & Ankar) XDDD 

eh, there will be a Maori character and a British characters with Surname Wallace and Brooke.
I haven't considered additional Australian characters since I'm prioritizing to Philippines & Indonesian Nagas at the moment.
AuFigirl's avatar
OHH~ I know who they are~! ( OWO )

...Also has the "Princess" seen the "Captain"'s Serpent form before?

(At some point, if the Captain does go into his Serpent form, he could swim through the sea in incredible speed after targeted victims people in their boats and comes from beneath jumps up and swallow them whole in one bite, swims back to the ship, spits the people out from his mouth before transforming back to his human form. Remarking how he wasn't hungry...yet. And that's why kids you should never anger your elders. Because Rainbow Serpents like to eat things whole but sometimes spit their food out when they're not actually hungry. XP

I really want to see that happen. (OWO) )
dinosaurusgede's avatar
Ooh that will be awesome OwO yes, yes lets make it happen.

Many thanks for the suggestion, AuFigirl ^^
AuFigirl's avatar