SpookstressPrincess's avatar
Little toys, plushes, those pointer lights.... A lot of stuff. 10 ticket plastic rings. x,D 
DimensionalDragons's avatar
......I love those little pointer lights, they drive my dog nuts trying to catch it. XD
SpookstressPrincess's avatar
x,,,D I love the sticky hands you could get. I would sling them at the walls.
DimensionalDragons's avatar
I remember those, one time I got one stuck on the ceiling in my room.....there's still some stuck up there. XD
DimensionalDragons's avatar
It used to be pink....it's not anymore though. My mom was so mad when she saw it. XD
SpookstressPrincess's avatar
Oh geez. x,D I think there's a bit stuck in the vent at my grandmother's house. 
DimensionalDragons's avatar
XD At least it's not as bad as it getting stuck in your hair. Even if you get it out without cutting it your hair will still feel a bit sticky and smell a little funny.