H-StallionWolf's avatar
very nice! what's the secret?
PNE-u-MA's avatar
So much of this is still coming together XD
But the general idea is that the apples grow at random, and they can be either really sweet or really bitter. 
I guess the whole idea is that the village itself is full of oddities. 
White apples, fish that glow under certain conditions, and an Ursa Minor named Sully that never grows up and is really playful.

Still working with ideas and stuff.
The whole reason for all of it is due to mutations from exposure to a large amount of raw magical force, which came from a clan of unicorns sacrificing themselves to halt Nightmare Nights advance a thousand years before my characters time. 
I'm working a lot of things from my dream journal into the story, adds a personal touch to it.
H-StallionWolf's avatar

huh a mutations due to a magical explosion due to unicorns sacrificing themselves. sounds interesting ^^ i'd like to see it finished (nom a white apple)