DemonDamon97's avatar
*sighs* Well I suppose you have a point, but as many reviewers and players say, if the formula isn't broke, then don't try to fix it. Any sort of way you look at the series, Mario will be Mario and the same with Pokémon, yes they have created and changed so many things throughout the games, but they are sorta still the same from a certain perspective.
HominineBeauty's avatar
Right, but Peach will always seem to be the prize at the end of Mario games, which is fine with me, because in my opinion, Peach is the worst leader of the Mushroom Kingdom, and the worst 'woman' in video game history. I typed 'woman' because Peach doesn't act mature. Samus, Rosalina, Daisy, Zelda, Palutena, and even the female Animal Crossing player character are worthy of being called REAL women of Nintendo than Peach. Heck, there is even an Anti-Peach song by Slimkirby, I gotta agree with him over 9000% percent! Now if you guys like Peach, that's fine with me.
Rant over.
Anyway, I guess the answer will be Super Mario Bros 2016, I'm fully aware that Sega rebooted the Sonic series by making Sonic 2006, and we all know it epicly failed. Lots and lots of loading, glitches, and other bad stuff, except for the soundtrack. So if Nintendo is going to fully reboot Mario, they have to take a HUGE risk and not rush, but IMO, there's a 70% chance they will mess up and make Mario '16 or '17 instead of a good Mario reboot. I love Nintendo and it's classics, but I think they can do much better. They should make new F-Zero games, make Mother 4 and release Mother 3 in North America and the world, make another Punch-Out and Pilotwings, reboot Sheriff, team up with Square Enix again and remake Super Mario RPG for the 3DS, Reboot Ice Climbers and Balloon Kid/Fight, Make a Princess Daisy series, anything that could make the company King again.

I rest my case.

Enough talking about games, what are your plans for Thanksgiving, Damon? And what are you getting for Christmas?
DemonDamon97's avatar
I'm spending time with my family and I doubt I'll want anything for Christmas, maybe cash ^^
HominineBeauty's avatar
That's nice! As always, I'll be with my dad for Thanksgiving and Christmas break, even though I don't celebrate religious holidays anymore. Nothing wrong with religion or religious holidays, cause at least there's no work or school on those days. \^o^/