Soup-Medic's avatar
no people on 4chan are dead serious and even if their "jokingly" being white supremacists its still being a white supremacist. What do you even think people on tumblr are doing? in my experience its just a lot of mentally ill, autistic, or traumatized kids who seek shelter within a community willing to shape to their needs and if you say anything about kids being too sensitive then you obviously dont fucking understand what mental illness, autism, or ptsd/c-ptsd is. people don't get genuinely effected and need to go to therapy because of being "too sensitive" or "made up trauma". people don't self harm and commit suicide because of little things. The real problem with tumblr is the growing communities of pedophiles but 4chan is a lot worse in that regard. So please tell me, what's so horrible about tumblr? 
IndigoWizard's avatar
A. If you can't take a joke from a troll, then you're giving them what you want. I might also add that I referred to 4chan as 'dangerous' in the first place, indicating that I do indeed believe it is bad.
B.I know nothing about mental illness. I did not mention mental illness. I have simply seen some dumb people and heard their ilk attributed to Tumblr.
C. This conversation is overly drawn out and my patience wanes. I made some random jokes when I was in a mood. Fin.
Soup-Medic's avatar
Okay but is a place where several real life murderers, pedophiles, and school shooters spent most of their time really on the same level of kids being idiots? no. Does tumblr really deserve to be implied to be worse than that? no. Shut the fuck up if you don't have anything smart to say.

also racism isnt trolling its racism stop trying to act like its innocent fun.
IndigoWizard's avatar
Maybe you just have different thoughts on a subject than me, but that is not a reason to aggressively snap at me after I said I was tired of the conversation.
You get teh blawk