mercury7x's avatar
Firstly, I was unaware there was a book. I'd love to read it, who's the author?

Secondly, if you already read the book you are biased from the start. You know the most likely route so you can make assumptions that go farther with less in the trailers to base your claims off of. You may not know it but your reasoning is already skewed.

Third, if you really predicted any better than my assumption above, tell me what you think the plot is. I am legitimately interested in hearing what you have to offer.
Vioven's avatar
I told you I made those guesses before I even got the book, it's not hard to make more accurate guesses from what you get in the trailers.

My assumptions were on the money too, confirmed once I did read it. So I'm not about to spoil you on this. :/

It's the Junior Novelization on Amazon, btw.