DriRose's avatar
By the way you're on my top fifteen favorite artists
CreatorOfRLR's avatar
Ooh yay :D I love you XD but top fifteen? o.O We can make lists? XD Reminds me of myspace or somethin >>;
DriRose's avatar
I just made it cause I was bored and I realized how many awesome artists i know on here and I wanted to honour them. =)
CreatorOfRLR's avatar
xD Awwwh thanks Adrianna. I feel honored. I never figured out how to put people's icon thinger mabobbers in links, etc.
DriRose's avatar
You do this! : icon nameofperson : without the spaces. See? :iconcreatorofrlr:
CreatorOfRLR's avatar
Ohhhhh XD so thats now ::smacks head:: XD thanks! I'll do that next time I talk about someone or something, like that. XD