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Kendric: Good. *He sighed as Anya set out the other fish for it.* 

Anya: That's locked pretty tightly around its leg. Might even be in the skin. 

Thaddeus: Aye, we'll have to take'm into the village. Find a doctor that can get it off

Kendric: No way it would be willing to come with us. *He sighed heavily.* 

*Edmund didn't like that looked. It was the kind of welcoming smile that meant danger.* 
Edmund: M-My arm. Hit it on some...coral. *He backed up again.* I've patched it a bit. I think
I saw one back there actually. Yes I'm sure of it. 
DimensionalDragons's avatar
Leo: It's already scared stiff of us, seems to really like that fish though. Maybe we can lure it into the village and into one of the homes and lock it inside.

Nancy: I don't know if that's a good idea. Wouldn't it be scared by all the other mers going about their business? And it's already been locked up for who knows how long, it might go nuts if we locked it up again.

Leo: Well.......what else are we suppose to do? We can't just leave it like this.

Nancy: Maybe we can bring a doctor out here?

???: Really? I didn't think there were any around. Well, it can be dangerous to be walking by one's lonesome; might get jumped by a crook. We'll escort you, where did you say you saw it?
*He took another step closer, still with that smile.*
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Thaddeus: I know one that can help. Just hold it here. *He rushed off,
leaving them to keep watch of it.* 

*Kendric laid on the sand, peering into the coral.* Kendric: I wish we could talk to them.
I wonder who locked them up in the first place? 

Anya: Could have fallen off of a ship. Doesn't explain how it got into these waters... *She drifted
 in the water. Kendric could tell her mind was elsewhere. She'd seemed withdrawn the entire day.
Couldn't be helped, she was concerned immensely for how Edmund was faring on land.* 

*Thaddeus returned with a doctor, a pufferfish mer,  who arched a brow at the bunches of coral.* 
Doctor: He's in there? 

Thaddeus: Might have a bite to them. It was emaciated and has this cuff digging into its leg. They found
the cage buried beneath the sand.* 

Doctor: Buried?! *He moved closer. Kendric swam out of the way, wary of his spikes.* 

Doctor: Come on out little guy or gal... I'm not going to hurt you. *He pulled a fish out of the satchel on his side to
coax it out of hiding.* 

*He was backed into a wall, his heart beginning to hammer. That smile
unsettled him.* 

Edmund: *Thoughts: Hell with it!* 

*He couldn't take it anymore. He panicked and went to speed back towards town. He figured he could lose them
in a crowd, possibly, and barricade himself in his room for the night. * 
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Nancy: I think someone buried it on purpose, how else could it have been under the sand and still have a hollow area? Plus, someone has been feeding it recently......though not quite enough.

Leo: I don't think its that, some mer would have had to have loads of time and be staying close by. The only place inhabitable close enough that we've seen is the village, and I highly doubt any of them would be so cruel as to do this. Especially given their history.

Nancy: *She stared at the doctor curiously, she hadn't seen a pufferfish mer before. Though Leo had mentioned one being in the group of hunters.* Just so you know, the cuff is on its hind leg, the left one I think.

*It was stuck between the urge to go out and grab the fish, and staying in the safety of its hiding place. Hunger won out and it cautiously inched forward.*

*The creature was halfway out when it lost its nerve, refusing to draw any nearer to the doctor.*

???: H-hey! Wait! Where are you going?! *His smiled turned to a frown as he dashed after him. He stuck two fingers to his lips and blew a long whistle, three more researchers blocked the path ahead.* Hold up now, we just wanna talk.
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Doctor: Ok ok... No need to come out all at once. There you go. *He spoke
in a soft, wary tone, tossing the fish lightly so it landed right in front of it.* 

Doctor: Back up a bit. It probably feels crowded. 

*Kendric could see some of the spikes on the mer doctor's hand shifting around.
It was peculiar to him though he did what he was told.* 

Doctor: Easy now. I need to get a look at that leg of yours. *He produced another fished
and waved it in front of the creature.* 
*He skidded to a stop and changed direction, headed straight for the jungle. Without shoes or
a sense of direction, this was a mildly unpleasant decision. It was dense and he kept tripping over his feet.
His shirt got caught on something which twisted his injured arm around the wrong way. He bit down on his lip
as he fought to free himself, swearing to the high heavens.* 

Edmund: *Thoughts: Leave it to me to find an escape route through this place and end up tangled on a tree.* 

*He tore it free at the expense of a sleeve and the kelp bandage. Unfortunately, by then it was already too late and he'd
been closed in on. He was thankful he didn't lose his glasses in the struggle. Being blinded wound have
horrendous consequences.*
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*It  jolted when the fish landed in front of it, backing up a step or two. When it realized it was food and not a threat it returned to its earlier position, taking the fish in its mouth and swallowing it whole.*

Leo: *He backed up with the others, though he snuck a bit closer to watch.*

*It looked at the fish in the doctor's hand hungrily, its eyes followed it as he waved it back and forth. It took another step forward then quickly darted forward, snatching the fish and retreating back towards the coral.
Sneaky thing.*

Leo: *He held back a laugh, he knew this wasn't a laughing matter but that was a little funny.*

*They circled around him so he couldn't run off again.*

???: *He took the lead approaching him, slowly and with his hands down. Talking low and soothingly.* We're not here to hurt ya, we just wanna talk with you.
It's rather hot and humid out here, let's go to the inn where we can talk in comfort shall we?
SpookstressPrincess's avatar
Thaddeus: Doesn't act very injured does it? *He chuckled lightly.* 

Doctor: One more should do it. I just need him a bit closer. 

Thaddeus: Aye. *He blocked off its path from the other side while
the others circled.* 

Doctor: Come on now. I just want the bit of metal around your leg. *He held out
another fish, beckoning it more carefully this time.* 

Edmund: *Thoughts: Coaxing me like a dog he is!* 

*He wrapped his hand tightly around his wound, worried that it was going to get infected. 
He knew there'd be clean water back at the inn, if he got that far. He had no way of knowing
if they'd hold true to their words.* 

Edmund: ... *He scowled heavily.* Fine. The least you can do is bloody introduce yourself.
*Thoughts: Instead of prowling around with that damned smile.* 

*His face paled as one passed him to his right. He recognized that one. It was the same man he'd made eye
contact with when he was trying to free Leo. He turned his head away so he couldn't catch his expression.* 
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*It cocked its head at him, coming closer once again. It reached out its head for the fish, readying itself to snatch it up again. The odd wrinkles on its neck seemed to twitch whenever he moved.*

Leo: I still can't wrap my head around the idea that we've come across a completely new species. You think we should relocate it once we've helped it. *He whispered quietly to Kendric, so as not to spook it while the doctor coaxed it closer.*

???: Ah yes. How rude of me, I'm Benjamin. It's a pleasure to met you sir.

???: Now if you would be so kind as to follow me we'll be heading back to the inn now. We have much to discuss, and I'm sure you're just brimming with questions as well. *He gave him that same smile again, turning around and heading in the direction they had run from.*
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