Comment on Epcot Ball by synconi

scoobiek's avatar
Would you be kind enough to show the pattern of the coloring? I have too many one-colored origami pieces in my room, haha.
synconi's avatar
Hehe rainbow is much more fun...the top layer is red/pink, gradating to orange, yellow, green, a teeny bit of blue, then purple. :heart:
scoobiek's avatar
haha thanks. :) I may try making it in white first so I can calculate how much of the colors I need. Who knows.
synconi's avatar
You're welcome! Though, you might get fed up of folding those modules by the time you've made one ball...:p
scoobiek's avatar
I've got all the pieces folded but it sadly doesn't go into a ball :(
synconi's avatar
Oh no! :( Do you think you've arranged it properly? The hexagons and pentagons formed by the modules need to be in the proper places...
scoobiek's avatar
I think I did. I'm not too sure. I packed the pieces away for the time being since I recently started college. Maybe on a break ill try again :)
synconi's avatar
:eager: I hope you find a chance to!