Comment on Keldor 2 by zorm

spaztic-demon's avatar
Done 100% computerly inked? Awsome!!!! Man my first computer inking didn't look HALF or even 1/3 this good.
Don't worry about speed, you'll get faster as you get more used to it ^_^.
Great job! I like the background with the door. Nice back ground there. And the swords are awsome! Good pose too :).
zorm's avatar
Thanks for the comment and the fav! ^_^
Uh yeah well, I guess I have to call it inking because I fully destroyed the layer where the original sketh was lol. Though, I'm kind of going through the pixelated paint brush lines with the smudge tool afterwards to get a cleaner look. And my hand's far too shaky to get a straight line with one move. :S
spaztic-demon's avatar
Yeah the outlining is kinda hard to do at first. I usually blow up my scans double the size, outline them, and then shrink it back down to actuall pixels or a bit smaller, that way it kinda gets rid of any little imperfections.