Abiogenisis's avatar
Inspiration for this was a combination of siphonophores like the Bluebottle, and the floaters from Barlowes 'Expedition' 
CartoonBen's avatar
:) (Smile) Oh, really? That's cool. By the way, did you know that the Bluebottle and/or Portuguese Man-O-War are actually floating colonies of jellyfish, each fused into one?
Abiogenisis's avatar
Yep, cute little deadly zooids
CartoonBen's avatar
Nod That's true. Here's a little reference to an episode of Spongebob to relate to the reproduction of zooids from the Portuguese Man-O-War, now that I've read about zooids. Spongebob Squarepants - Spongebob icon (Spongebob: "Can you reproduce by budding?" Smaller clones of himself start sprouting from his head. Chusagi's LitterClones: "Can ya?" "Can ya?" "Can ya?") LOL! :D (Big Grin)