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Okitakehyate's avatar
That is interesting and a very cute and informative explanation. People often tell me they think I may be a little autistic, but I've never really thought so because I have some rather strong differences that may point to other things. I sometimes seem like I am in my own little world retreating into myself, but in my case... it's more like I teleport in and out of my world and have a clear view of everything from a window where I know what's going on while my body goes through the motions on auto-pilot and I can simple come back at any moment if I hear someone speak to me. Also, I go out of my way to invite people inside and try to show them my inner world and teach them to understand, but it scares them because it's so weird. Am weird and lack social skills like an aspie, but my lack of social skills comes from being an only child who was home schooled in a place with very few people my own age... and my weirdness is because I only had cartoons, anime, and video-games for role-models outside of my parents. I don't really let my lack of skills stop me from trying though... cuz I'm insanely extroverted and I have a tendency to engage people in uncomfortably long conversations about my thoughts and feelings and things I am interested in, and crack jokes when I don't know what to say. I also tend not to look people in the eyes, but that's because my train of thought gets derailed easily and looking in their eyes gives me too much insight into their mood and personality at once and distracts me when I am trying to concentrate on what I'm thinking. I also tend to be over-sensitive and snap like you do when I'm upset... but I always calm down when I get my way, or after I'm done crying or telling people off... sometimes I calm down faster then normal people even. The sensitivity to light and sound and touch thing is very different for me then people with ASD though... I am sensitive to some degree, but for me it's like being high on "ecstasy" when I am over stimulated and I "chase the high" and try to get myself overstimulated on purpose by going to rave dances with loud music and strobe lights or letting my fiance put his hands all over me... So I don't really know what I have... more likely Attention Deficit Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Mal-adjustment from being alone too much. All I know is that folks who think I'm on the spectrum don't know me well enough... I do respect people like you though... I just wonder what the name is for "my kind of special".