Comment on I'm fine! by Zahyebah

Artilei's avatar
Reminds me on when my bullies tried to kill me, and that last time when they beat me up so bad that I had some broken ribs ah I have such a wonderful life.
Zahyebah's avatar
Well... thats a sad story. :(
Artilei's avatar
Zahyebah's avatar
Yes. You know my life is not the best... maybe worse than yours.
Artilei's avatar
You sure? Do you get bullied every single day, being hated, to the point in suicidal thoughts and cutting?.
Zahyebah's avatar
Yeas unfortunately. But I never cut my wirst just my fingers maybe arms but not more. I have a good class and I love my classmates but in other classes they always bullied me. So yes I'm sure.
Artilei's avatar
Well your lucky you have friends and some classes you don't get picked on and bullied. For me every single class mate hates me, the only thing I love is sports.
Zahyebah's avatar
Well you are good at something. I'm not...  I just like drawing but these arts are horrible for me... I can't see the beauty in my art or in me.
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