Etrenelle's avatar
so you don't want co owning rights~?
If not will you take this Rare Scout MYO from my species Dream-Dears ??
TLKmewthreewarrior's avatar
nah, i dont need more characters, but thanks :)
And sure :)
Etrenelle's avatar
Thank you sooo much love I can't even~!!! <333
TLKmewthreewarrior's avatar
Etrenelle's avatar
*gives forever never ending huggles*

Oh also just shoot me a note once you are done with the MYO so that I can approve the child before you post the child up~
And make sure to join the group to *winks*
TLKmewthreewarrior's avatar
Please pardon my stupidity, but could you direct me towards the traits ref sheet that I should use for my MYO?
Etrenelle's avatar
Oh sure no problem! Well cause i am not on my laptop right now i will give you a link to the grouo folder. Dream-Dears from there you should find in the gallery a golder called species ref or something like that. That is where the list of traits are