JohnSpartan1982's avatar
Hope you don't mind interspecies romance of humans with furries/Xenos (strange form of person which furries and mutants and alien beings fall into especially magical creature people like Gargoyles to alien beings even from space)/mutants. I mean there's Shape of Water, Wolf Children, Doctor Who, the 80s Beauty and the Beast TV show with Ron Perlman, Star Wars, Star Trek, Regular Show's Margaret's parents (human male X furry avivian woman), Bojack Horseman, Warcraft the movie, Skyrim, Minerva Mink and a human male in a fanfiction story series here on DA, Alien Nation etc. as love is love you know between two consenting adults of different races/species in fiction just like in real life whether it's GLBT or inter-ethnic.
Boschian-Fantasies's avatar
Oh, I identify as a teratophile, and nightmare fetishist, so I approve of this message.
JohnSpartan1982's avatar
Cool! and my signature from The Last Unicorn (remember that movie or book?) said it best when Lir found out about Lady Amalthea.
Boschian-Fantasies's avatar
JohnSpartan1982's avatar
And do you know what Lir means by his quote when he said which is on my signauture?
Boschian-Fantasies's avatar
Okay, tell me. I need to remember.