AMCAlmaron's avatar
Ddraigtanto's avatar
Still, it's kinda put a bummer on the whole thing, but hey! At least this way, I can set off something of a more convincing redemption arc for GlimGlim and Otto than in the show, which is a bit infamous for rushed redemptions.
AMCAlmaron's avatar
I suppose...and you know more about the world than me; I'm sure you'll find a way to make it all work!
Ddraigtanto's avatar
Awesome! Well, as I said to someone else about it, my plan is for The Manehatten Exile to basically be Otto and Starlight, alone, with none of their creature comforts, in the wastelands outside of Equestria as they wander lost, broadly in the direction of the Dragon Empire. A story's worth of time for them to be stuck with their thoughts and their guilt.
AMCAlmaron's avatar
Heh, I sure that someone else wasn't me?
Ddraigtanto's avatar
Erm, possibly... Did I use a lot of slow-cooking analogies when talking about it? ^^;
AMCAlmaron's avatar
Ddraigtanto's avatar
It might have been someone else then...