PenultimateN's avatar
I don't think I totally understand what you're getting at.
TheCH's avatar
superman in BvS its captain hypocrite and gets killed easilly, unlike the gory characters of Invincible.
PenultimateN's avatar
What are you even talking about? People in Invincible get killed all the time.
Also Viltrumites don't have kryptonite. The only thing that was able to take their powers away resulted in MORE THAN HALF THEIR RACE DYING.
TheCH's avatar
i was meaning about invincible having his guts out and still surviving.
PenultimateN's avatar
Yeah, but you're forgetting two things:
1. His powers weren't weakened
2. He was being looked after by two other people with the same powers as him (Nolan and Oliver)
Superman, meanwhile, was pierced in the lung/heart by a massive spike by Doomsday (who was much more powerful than him, anyway), was weakened by exposure to kryptonite, and was surrounded by people much less powerful than him.
TheCH's avatar
yeah i forgot the nuke.
PenultimateN's avatar
Also he isn't dead.