syringe-love's avatar
Excellent work, but god has nothing to do with the power of nature. As god does not exist. All religion on earth is a petty joke. I mean if I was a Roman 2004 years ago, I would definately find it amusing to stick a pike into 'god' or 'god's son's' abdomen. Just as I would in today's context. I mean, does burning down a church mean I go to hell? I hope so, if there is a hell, because perhaps I will have front seats. Where I can burn little bits of wood and make charcoal, and draw pictures of god helping old women across the street, and tieing knot's club scout and mcguyver style, so desensitised born again christain junkies can hang themselves. Who knows, maybe if i selotape enough fish symbols on the back of my car I can earn my place into heaven, alongside, Hitler, and George Bush.

Can however many million muslims be wrong, or is it christains? Buddhists? Well, depending what you believe in, all the others are wrong except for your belief ofcourse. So, alot of people are up shit creek basically. If the christains are right, perhaps the protestants, then a hell of a lot of people are going to burn. That's pretty funny. I am not forgetting that '''''''''god'''''''''' loves everybody, so perhaps he'll just let the slightly less enlightened reside in a decked-out portaloo for all eternity, sucking out 10 year old syphilus from some dead french man's penis. This is christains for you though. Excuse my typos and bad language, it's 4:22 am, I am severly enebriated. This one time, I poured very old and rancid pig's blood through a church's air conditioning system. Will I go to hell for that? Or will Allah give me a high five, I'm not really sure. Maybe I'll be in the harlem globetrotters in a next life, and me and buddah will be tight, sucking down CC's drenched in mozarella and 7 types of exotic sugar.

If you think I am ridiculous, then read a few books, open your eyes. Maybe god is just a piece of faeces. What do I mean maybe. Shit.... God uses a diamond tipped jack-hammer to crack the fetid filth around his mother's (a virgin mind you) decrepid labia. Where he then goes to feast. That is what god does. So he does exist. You are right. I don't really think he deserves worshipping though, I mean, I dedicate a cubic millimetre of some spewdom I hurled 20 years ago. And I remember that, that prick owes me. I even decorated some of his places of worship for him, so unofficially I am God's backyard blitz.

Happy trails.....