sartassa88's avatar
these are really beautiful, they remember me of my childhood, as I still was a "green lemon"
LadyAliceofOz's avatar
ahh... but a memory of that "green lemon" will always be inside you - no one can steal it from you, except you! :hug: I'm a very young person trapped in this crapped out body!! :lmao:
sartassa88's avatar
you're right, everyone's as old as he or she feels. as for me I'm just 20 but this boring working life doesn't bring satisfaction, I want to travel and take photos.... haha, even if I still went to school that would be impossible, but in that case I wouldn't have to get up at 6 am every morning and have so much responsibilities
LadyAliceofOz's avatar
life is a series of trade-offs :nod: and if you are not happy with what you are doing - change it! :D
sartassa88's avatar
jop, I will... guess I shall change my job, but I just started 3 months ago and who knows, maybe I'll start to like my colleagues after a while
LadyAliceofOz's avatar
you are the one who has to figure it out :nod:
sartassa88's avatar