DerRotenNachte's avatar
Yeah, it really does. I didn't enjoy the modern warfare series as much as I did games like Big red one, COD3, and WaW, the campaigns feel like you have to do them and there long and demanding, I did advanced warfares, I was looking at the missions list praying for it to be the last mission. World at wars, I did it in a day and I actually enjoyed it. It felt rewarding completing veteran mode and getting the death cards. Nowadays I don't have a rave if I work to get the veteran achievement I have one over the fact that its over.
I only play call of duty for zombies now. I played all the last gen maps, to me Nacht der untoten is the best.
They should make a separated game for zombies all-in-all with the ppsh and all!
But no, they have to rip of star wars!
ARC-Trooper-Star's avatar
I love the Modern Warfare games, but I totally understand what you're saying. For me, that feeling of campaign fatigue started after Black Ops 2. I mean, I was okay with stuff being slightly futuristic, but after that, the entire COD series went so far into the future, the weapons aren't even recognisable anymore. Everything after BLOPS2 just feels like a different game series. It just doesn't feel like the COD series I know and love anymore, and it saddens me.

And I'm the same. I keep trying to finish the BLOPS3 campaign, but for some reason I just can't get myself motivated enough to finish it. As for the multiplayer, I've given up on that altogether. Now I just play zombies. I do play BLOPS 3 zombies, but I keep coming back to WaW and Black Ops 1 because I really, REALLY miss the old crew and the old maps.
DerRotenNachte's avatar
Yeah, I did like Modern warfare 2, but all the youngsters are on it. Infinite warfare zombies = dumbed down dead space.
Yeah, I've moved on from cod, going to better games like watch dogs and payday, but WaW, I don't think I can stop playing.
Especially vendetta, that gives me chills to think about.
ARC-Trooper-Star's avatar
Dumbed Down Dead Space- That should be a legit game title, lol! xDD

But seriously though... I will probably still end up buying COD every year because even though I should know better by now, I keep hoping that the next game won't be as bad as the last one. But I'm like, 99,9% sure Infnite Warfare will be crappy. The only reason I'm getting it is the MW remake. Damn you, nostalgia! :shakefish:

So yeah. I occasionally play payday as well, I haven't quite moved on yet because even though payday is fun, it doesn't scratch my military shooter itch. I never thought I'd actually catch myself saying this, but maybe I should just make the switch to Battlefield aready...
DerRotenNachte's avatar
At least cod doesn't make you pay for multiplayer..
Of course infinite warfare will!
ARC-Trooper-Star's avatar
*Infinite Microtransactions.

There, I fixed it. xD