Lucas-Attwell's avatar
Is there a paper on the homology of quills in Tianyulong and Psittacosaurus ?Open access?

Tianyulong(Heterodontosauridae)  and Psittacosaurus(Marginocephalia) share similar quills but not Kulindadromeus (Basal Neornithischia),it has more complex filaments (feathers) ,perhaps that´s because Kulindadromeus "feathers" evolved after quills in only in that genus.It would be amazing if theropod feathers and Kulindadromeus complex filaments evolved after the quills and ended sharing same function(Thermoregulation).
And yes, I support the current hypothesis,the filamentous integument (quills) are basal to all of dinosauria 
palaeornithology's avatar
The likelihood of Kulindadromeus feathers being independently evolved analogous structures is much less likely than a homological origin. Therefore it is the parsimonious conclusion that they share an origin and only Kulindadromeus evolved more complex feathers. It is interesting to note that quills very similar to those in Tianyulong and Psittacosaurus are present in the therizinosaur Beipiaosaurus
I haven't read it since it came out but I'm pretty sure one of the conclusions of the paper that described Kulindadromeus is that its feathers are homologous to the integumentary structures of other ornithiscians, but forgive me if I'm misremembering it! Unfortunately the only open access paper I can find is a formal response by the authors to comments on the descriptive paper - this is only a few pages long and is concerned with the structure of the feathers rather than their evolution, so is unhelpful.
Lucas-Attwell's avatar
"The likelihood of Kulindadromeus feathers being independently evolved analogous structures is much less likely than a homological origin"

Not totally independently because in this hypothetical scenario they share the same origin,homologous quills basal to dinosauria.

"Therefore it is the parsimonious conclusion that they share an origin and only Kulindadromeus evolved more complex feathers."
This is what I tried to say,I don't know if I expressed me correctly=P (Razz) 
"share an origin" the quill-like filaments " and only Kulindadromeus evolved more complex feathers" This structures for example:… I don´t know if theropod feathers passed through  this phase 

palaeornithology's avatar
Ah, sorry, I misunderstood. Yes, this hypothetical scenario you suggest is what we believe to have happened - stage I feathers are hollow quill structures, as seen in the other ornithiscians; i.e., quills are the basal condition.

And yes, those are stage II feathers and theropod feathers did go through this stage. Although, we don't know when later stages of feathering began to appear - the quill structures in ceratopsians and heterodontosaurids would suggest after the divergence of ornithischia and saurischia (then again, Kulindadromeus does complicate this substantially). 
Lucas-Attwell's avatar
The Kulindadromeus feathers looks like a "plate" from which filaments grows,but yes,very similar to stage 2 feathers.We will not have exact diagrams in real animals.
Nice to discuss (in the good way) with you! :D (Big Grin) 
palaeornithology's avatar
Yes! its nice to be able to talk to someone about it. :)