ShiramiMBW's avatar
Mokona Ref

Mokona (He can be nicknamed as Moko) is energetic and loves being in trees. He's optimistic and its rarely seen as him being pessimistic. He is able to fly around even though his wings appear to be too small. He's able to grow out his wings to make them larger and make them smaller whenever he needs to so his wings won't be in the way. Although he is a omnivore he prefers sweet foods like candy and cake (Though he hasn't eaten a lot throughout his life). Due to him being part rabbit he can jump higher thank normal humans could. He can change his hands to claws and back whenever he needs to do so. Also, No one knows why he's able to change his hair from black to white and back whenever he feels to do so. It mostly happens when he's being competitive and he probably wants to show how serious he could be within situations. This also causes his eye colors to switch around.