B-Angelo's avatar
you know what... those prices were EXACTLY as I was thinking. good job. they should work!!
Tigryph's avatar
Awesome! I'm always a little nervous that I'm asking too much but it takes me a long time. XD I have to take frequent breaks to ice my arm or shake it out. ><;
B-Angelo's avatar
Thats cool! Just do what you can!
Tigryph's avatar
I will! Thank you :)
SkyeSparrow's avatar
Actually, you're probably asking too little considering the time investments you have listed... (Way lower than minimum wage!) ...but at least the prices are something more people can afford. *hugs* : /
Tigryph's avatar
Yeah... it's way less than Min. wage but I have to work slowly or I agitate my arm >< I know things are tight for everyone so I tried to keep things affordable. If I improve or if things get to where I'm taking days to finish a project I might alter things a bit.:hugs: Thank you for your advice and support ;; You're awesome!