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TheWatcherofWorlds's avatar
Yes but then after investigating they found living proof and live specimens of each of those animals, as much as I'd like to believe in new large species of ape like the sasquatch or whatever the Loch Ness monster is, there are little to no solid evidence of their existence for all this time.

Ape men like the Yeti/bigfoot are most likely a mix of native religion and misconception of bears early on in history. The fact Nessie's exact shape changes so much between eye witnesses is pretty damn fishy.

Most cryptids are of a similar case, and then there's the human factor of seeing what we want to see and making hoaxes to keep these mythos alive in people's minds.
WWCB's avatar
Listen, life is truly full of surprises and tons of unexplained things that turn out to be real.
TheWatcherofWorlds's avatar
And life can also be very boringly straightforward and simple, none of these guys have been proven to be 100% real for years now, I would welcome new discoveries but some are just too unlikely to exist and outdated when trying to find some evolutionary connection. The Ropen of papua for instance, they are said to be pterodons with long tails and feed on graves, long tails have been left behind by the Pterosaurs for a long time as they grew larger and by the description itself the creature would not be good at digging since its arms are wings. Then there's also a thing that people use cryptids to prove creationism. Its just human factor errors all round the place.
WWCB's avatar
You know, I'm one of those speculators who says that I don't need dead specimens to prove something.
TheWatcherofWorlds's avatar
In the face of science you must though, because animals are pretty physical things.

I say again about human error, we usually have the natural habit of seeing things that aren't there and associating things, its kinda how we survived in prehistory, they would be seeing things basically. And on the other hand people also want fame, making hoaxes or false claims.

Its alright to have interests like this though. But just so you know its not a proper science to live by.
WWCB's avatar
You don't always need physical proof...
TheWatcherofWorlds's avatar
Name one recognized science where that is true.

Like I said its more a belief without proof and Cryptozoologists do on fact seek the proof for these animals.
WWCB's avatar
Look, even with our newly-advanced technology, there is still so much we have not found on our own planet. For one thing, new living species of arthropod continue to appear all the time. Then there is that recently discovered extant tapir in the Amazon Rainforest from a few years ago. A similar scientifically unexplainable phenomenon happens in behaviors, like this thing I saw on television one time of a recent heist in Ethiopia, where weirdos tried to kidnap a little girl and the police were on their trail; suddenly a group of lions showed up and drove the creepers off and miraculously did not harm them little girl; in fact, they stayed with her until the police arrived (what I speak is true). Science is used to explain so much, but sometimes it has been proven that it cannot explain everything, by the way.

You think too restrictively. Fact may be important, but it has limits. Imagination, however, has no limits.
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