Harkale-Linai's avatar
He's one of my favourite characters too, as you may have guessed from the description. Maybe not the one I love the most (Thrall, Vol'jin and... Nobundo ^^) make it to the top 4 as well... But he's amazing anyway, and I look forward to seeing more of him in the upcoming patch!

Have a great day, neighbour :)
BaronDeConde's avatar
There is a really interesting audio/radio-drama, shortly before the addon legion. I heard it in German with some of the best german voice actors. In English it's also pretty well. Maybe there's also an French version but I didn't found one :( Here's the english one: www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_xFZ7…

Greetings :)
Harkale-Linai's avatar
I listened to it too :) The French version is great!