Holycrap1992's avatar
Best case scenario, she ends up like Ultimate!Gwen/Carnage and it's a Jekyll and Hyde-type of relationship...
MavHunterJ17's avatar
Yeah pretty scary.
Holycrap1992's avatar
If Spectacular had continued, do you think that Gwen would've been tossed off that bridge by the Green Goblin, like in the comics, or do you think she would've become a host for the Carnage symbiote, like her Ultimate counterpart?...

Neither scenario is preferable, of course, I'm just asking for your thoughts on the matter.
MavHunterJ17's avatar
I think it was better off in the comics when she was killed by Green Goblin. You really have good thoughts.
Holycrap1992's avatar
Yeah, even though Weisman said he wouldn't have killed her off, I don't really know how he planned her to survive falling from a bridge or whiplash snapping her neck...

I'm thinking that the Goblin(who would be either Norman to further screw-over Peter, or Harry because Peter "stole" Gwen from him) offs her and then maybe Warren clones her with some of the Carnage symbiote and she essentially becomes Ultimate!Carnage(at least for a while).
