Valkomic's avatar
This brings me painful but nonetheless enjoyable memories Solaire Dummy 
MasteroftheSword's avatar
Praise the Sun, bro. Dark Souls - Praise the Sun 
The one who is giving me big trouble now is Lautrec and his two buddies. I wish I had spent more souls upgrading my pyromancy flame so I could just send all of them to hell, specially that caster.

Well, glad it brought you memories of your quest as chosen undead, and thanks a million for the fav.
Valkomic's avatar
You're welcome... and much more patient than me, when I got to the Gaping Dragon I didn't even look at the game for a month
MasteroftheSword's avatar
Uh, I somehow killed that abomination in my first try, I still think that was a miracle, but I couldn't overcome my fear for Blighttown. I finally told myself I wouldn't deal with it and then I got lost in the Darkroot zones, where I eventually found the valley and finally entered Blighttown from its exit. Crazy story. I love that game.