B-Anka's avatar
I sadly can't do both and mainly the nevers are off limits as they mean a lot to me/are dreamies of mine.
Bearful's avatar
Ahh alright, besides Kasper and maybe the snow fumi I don't think I'd connect with anyone else- but ty for offering ;3; <3
B-Anka's avatar
I may be able to let the snowfumi go ;;
Bearful's avatar
Ahh I could consider, since I might want to do some redesigns- if that would be allowed
B-Anka's avatar
Yea, I redesigned them some myself when I got them. 
I think you'd be able to as well
Bearful's avatar
Alright- I'm going to officially post an OTA for the second slot to my gallery soon, so you're free to offer for it again there
B-Anka's avatar
Oka thank you!