Comment on Earth-like moon by JustV23

Sexual-Yeti's avatar
"But professor, how is a Earth like moon able to orbit so close to the gas giant. Wouldn't the radiation of the gas giant kill all possibility of life? Not to mention having the atmosphere rapidly syphoned off or even the moon torn apart from the tidal forces, I mean just look at Io. How is this possible?"
"It is possible because shut up!"
The image is deceiving; as JustV23 said earlier, the 'foreshortening effect' makes the moon look a lot closer to the gas giant than it really is. This moon could be safely outside the magnetic field, just as Titan is outside Saturn's field.
A strong magnetic field and a thick atmosphere do the shielding job much like Earth's do, being so close to the Sun.  The atmosphere would also be protected by any particle wind if "Pandora"'s magnetic field is strong, thus preventing its atmosphere from dissipating.  Also, tidal forces would be quite small if the orbit is near-circular, unless the moon's orbit somehow lowers below the Roche limit.