mochachobonkai's avatar
I bet he does, I still had fun drawing Kieran. Makes you think who lives with him? Happy that you like it. thank you for the opportunity to work with you =)
blackspeedk's avatar
At first after the accident he lives with his family, but after a few more years he moves in with his boyfriend. :)

(also, can you change the username in the description to be mine? The one you have now is someone I favorited stuff from)
RocMegamanX's avatar
I couldn't find any information on him on your page. What accident did you mean?
blackspeedk's avatar
Details are sketchy, but he was involved in an accident with a car as a pedestrian and those injuries, with subsequent medical complications, led to his amputations.
mochachobonkai's avatar
Oh I'm sorry about that. I changed it already, do you by chance have a female version of this story XD it sounds so interesting =) thanks for sharing
blackspeedk's avatar
No other version, sorry. :P
mochachobonkai's avatar
Oh ok, I might make a female drawing for this in the future ^_^ thanks!
blackspeedk's avatar
As long as you share it with us! ;)