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Altraion100's avatar
Ah no, I come from germany. In germany the actor voice of Mufasa (Wolfgang Kühne) passed away in 2008.
But you're right, they will change the script for sure. I think they "need to present people some new" and not to present another "different graphic" of TLK 1 as they did in the "3D" movie, only. In my opinion it would be nice to add cubs like Chumvii, Malka (who might be killed by hyena under Scars reign) while femals are still alive. If I remeber right, the LA "jungle book" was darker than the comic version. If LA TLK will be also darker than it's comic version, to me it would fit the story and explain why there are missing other cubs. But I highly doubt they will combine the whole stuff of TLK 1 and 2, because of the lesser popularity of the second film. Therefore I also think they won't do a remake of the second movie, too.

I know what you mean. I try to see LA TLK as a different thing.