megawackymax's avatar
Using a what like what? Huh? Wha? Wazzat? Okay, I'm actually confused, now...

As for that YouTube channel, no I have never heard of it.
Fairy-Slayer's avatar
Oh, sorry about that. :) It's the type of board layout: if there are holes in the board and the components' leads are pushed through and soldered that's "through-hole," but if you have components that sit flush on the board and are soldered directly into the channels that's "surface mount."

Find some bad person like me ;) to add in some English colloquialisms and… voila! Nonsense. My bad.

Those videos are fun but addictive, as much for his style as for the interesting electronics knowledge. After seeing his teardown of a cooler-sized 10MB hard drive I was hooked. (Heh, I almost just watched the whole thing again.)
megawackymax's avatar
Ahh, that's cool. I didn't know the exact english term for those. Hey, you learn something new every day.