Dualmask's avatar
I was going for a feeling of freedom but my wife said she looks powerless...
Randommode's avatar
lol I thought it conveyed that, but I am not sure why she (your wife) felt that, maybe ask her opinion next time in the sketch? I mean she has a very different opinion, but I thought you did good, that being said, I don't want to start an argument either that's not good. 
Dualmask's avatar
It's just that the image was her idea in the first place, so to have more or less failed to convey what she was thinking about bummed me out a little, but not enough to call the piece a complete failure. I try not to put my own thoughts into it, but do I feel I succeeded with the feeling of freedom? Perhaps...not entirely.
Randommode's avatar
DM you are an artist to the core, but if someone is being critical of your work ad you want them to like it (if it's just one special person) show them a few sketches and ask them what they think conveys that mood, she'll tell you what she wants to see, but what you can never do is feel you "failed" on any picture. No progress you make is a failure, no step forward is a step back, every time you moved, something has happened. 

Ask her opinions of what she feels "freedom" is and take her advice, then you will make the picture she wants, but I thought you did great :) Never be afraid to ask that person what they really mean.