ImmortalZImbalance's avatar
Even something saying Support Orange, or something simplistic like that would work. Sure I would love that to be truthful. Sorry it took me so long to reply. Been in the middle of a court mess etc. Thank you for considering it, it just annoys me that everyone seems to support tigers but most of the images I see are of the white. I understand they're mystifying and beautiful; well you know how the rest goes. Thank you, lol more so for listening to my rants.
WishmasterAlchemist's avatar
Don't worry for taking long! I perfectly remember your request and I'll make a stamp for orange tigers!
Yes, white tigers are fascinating but honestly when I think of a tiger, the first image that comes up into my mind is that of an orange tiger... I think it is the most representative of the species.. and anyways orange tigers are so beautiful!
I'll let you know when it's ready!