Kirwick's avatar
Please reply here with your Finished artwork!
Remember to submit your entries to the Crafty Sunday folder too for them to count! 
Baraayas's avatar
Hope this counts? ;0;
Bara's Guide to Griffians: BB Arms n' Hands by Baraayas  
wutshiii's avatar
201818 Various Bagbean art by wutshiii  (do I count any peas for that?)
Itadakii's avatar
:0 Idk if it's just me, but didnt realise this was open as the journal notif did not appear!
Crafty Sunday - BCF by Itadakii
PixelDough's avatar
Posin' by PixelDough
it's in the Gala folder, idk if it'll still count?
Kirwick's avatar
Well I'll make an exception this time, as it's time for the festivities and everyone is busy haha! You'll get your beans<3
Kirwick's avatar
Sorry, but that link doesn't seem to work!
Sneaky-Bean's avatar
[BagBeans] 5/250 by Sneaky-Bean   (posted under the req. event folder ... hoping I can count it here, too?)