LeYume's avatar
^^ Oh gosh, I forgot to pay for your Adoptable xD Wait... xD I'll send the points now Sweating a little... Sorry ^^
LeYume's avatar
xD Thank you ♥
bunnybonnie12345's avatar
Oof im late but i think you sold 4 twice..
LeYume's avatar
I did? D: To who? '-'
bunnybonnie12345's avatar
It was to BloodLover2222 
I'm just letting you know so both of them wont get mad if one says that they stole the other person's character
LeYume's avatar
Oh my! Thank you so much D: I will contact YourVentilationYT and clear this situation
Thank you so much for letting me know
You got me and my forgetfulness out of trouble ^^"
bunnybonnie12345's avatar