MexPirateRed's avatar
What if Trump decide to kill your family, because he find it funny?
What if, what if... those arent real arguments.
Nice try.
TheRealMrVendetta's avatar
"He kills families because he finds it funny?"

And I thought my day couldn't get any better
MexPirateRed's avatar
Great way to ignore what i was actually saying.
Great strawman.

If Hillary was president, our free rights would be taken away and Russia would be pissed even more with us, they would most likely EMP us.
Hypothetical: imagined or suggested but not necessarily real or true.

About number 9, I think Trump had a good reason to ban travels from Muslim ruled countries because these Jihad terrorists attacked France, 130 people died during the attack.
Number 12 is bullshit as well. He didn't ban Muslim people because of their religion or race, he banned Muslims to ensure that we don't get attacked by Jihadist extremists.
1. *mentions something about Europe* This isn't Europe. 
2. *mentions terrorist attack committed by a refugee* 
Refer to point 8. And chances are it was committed by an economic migrant. Still, I'm more threatened by a French-Moroccan than an Iranian-American.
3. It explicitly excludes homegrown Islamic terrorism that had happened right fucking here.
Would you want that to happen in the United States?
Hypothetical: imagined or suggested but not necessarily real or true.
4. "you're a jihadist/leftist/communist/anti-American/skeleton/ISIS sympathizer!" YAWN.

Plus the ban is most likely temporary, so Muslims won't be banned for as long as Trump is president, he'll let them back in at some time.
most likely
Hypothetical: imagined or suggested but not necessarily real or true.
TheRealMrVendetta's avatar
I wasn't pulling a strawman you dolt.

I was simply making a joke.
MexPirateRed's avatar
I was simply making a joke.
Hypothetical: imagined or suggested but not necessarily real or true.