VanilluxeProductions's avatar
If this commission list fills up fast then sign me up for later when it comes up again.
chibiBiscuit's avatar
As I said, I'm not taking early sign ups. I'll make a post when I'm about to reopen commissions, and sometime after that, I'll make a post on Patreon. Following that, I'll make a post on dA to fill any remaining slots (if any). I can't keep track of all the people who want to be notified, so my best advice is to stay tuned and keep an eye on my journals in the coming months.
VanilluxeProductions's avatar
Yeah that's the hard part, as you mention earlier the commission list fills up fast in like 5-10 minutes. You should note me before you open up the list, otherwise it's like Black Friday for art.
chibiBiscuit's avatar
Like I just said, I can't keep track of all the people who would like to be notified when commissions open up. You aren't the first person to ask this, and as much as I wish I could personally note or message every person ahead of time so they're aware, I can't. You will just have to make do the same as everyone else.
VanilluxeProductions's avatar
Ouch, well here's hoping that when you open up again, I'll ask as soon as possible.