HominineBeauty's avatar
When I first heard of Harry Potter back when I was around 9, I was indifferent to the series. I don't think it's a shitty series, as it is a lot better than a series about sparkling "vampires" and Miss "I'm So Perfect I'm Such A Spoiled Crybaby" created by the Justin Bieber of literature herself, Stephanie Meyer. But when I was growing up, kids around my age were really crazy about Harry Potter, carrying those books with them. I mean, I just don't get it. But hey, It's their choice, I guess.

But yeah, a lot of the fandom and hatedom can be VERY cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. I totally agree, Mayu!
Zeartist's avatar
lol Awesome post. :)
HominineBeauty's avatar
Boschian-Fantasies's avatar
Thank you.

TBH, it is read-a-ble, but I am a much bigger fan of works, such as the authors Michael Ende, Peter S. Beagle, HP Lovecraft, L. Frank Baum, Kaoru Kurimoto and whomever wrote the Dragonlance series of books.
HominineBeauty's avatar
And the difference between Harry Potter and Twilight is that certain characters in HP die for good canonwise, while nobody dies in Twilight, because Stephanie Meyer is too much of a chicken to kill off one of her characters.

Another difference? The vampires in HP are REAL vampires, while the "vampires" in Twilight are nothing more than "pretty as a pansy" Ken dolls who sparkle and appeal to stupid little teenage girls with bad tastes in entertainment. That's like creating grim reapers who look like pretty boy bishies that can shoot sparkling rainbow water. Grim reapers should act like grim reapers. Vampires should act like vampires. But rabid Twilight fangirls are too scared of the truth.
Boschian-Fantasies's avatar
Also notice how a lot of rabid Twihards are obese, ugly and have poor hygiene? Is it a coincidence or what?
HominineBeauty's avatar
And they make overweight people look bad. At least sane overweight people have proper hygiene, and they can be beautiful too. Same for skinny and muscular people. But no one, fat, skinny, or muscular, would ever want to date an ugly, unhygienic, morbidly obese Twihard, that's for sure.
Boschian-Fantasies's avatar
I agree soooooooooo much! :-D