Woobak3D's avatar
Hold up Windows 100% magazine Is still a thing?
Man I've been out of the loop for a while 030)
Xoriu's avatar
Wow long time no see :D
And yeah well I guess it's still a thing... sort of. But as you can see there were significantly less MMD models added to the magazine in 2014-2016 compared to 2010-2013. Maybe the magazine is still going strong but the MMD models added are not as popular as they once was. 
Woobak3D's avatar
Sup! How's it going? ˆˆ
Yeah that's what I noticed too, I suppose people lost interest in them so they just decided to bundle less models with the magazine. Plus there was the whole thing with people sharing the models online and trading them, I suppose that's one of the reasons for them to give out less models as well.
Xoriu's avatar
Going good :D Hope everything is good with you too!
Yeah I remember when I started with MMD and trading Win100 and Melonbooks models was normal with almost everyone did it :P Nowadays I feel like new MMDers don't even know what Win100 and Melonbooks is XD
Woobak3D's avatar
Things are going fairly well ^^  
Thanks for asking
Honestly they are lucky...Back then it was a big ol hot mess, I'm glad I never got too involved with that stuff...
And I'm glad the newer members aren't part of that kind of drama...