NeoNimbus526's avatar
I'm certain he'll enjoy it.

Also, wonderful job on it as well. ^_^
Project-Rapto's avatar
Thanks compadre! I mean this two would usually be enemies, but some circumstances leads to an alliance.
NeoNimbus526's avatar
You're welcome buddy and yeah, it's strange these enemies have ended up becoming allies for a stronger cause.
Project-Rapto's avatar
That's if the cause it's only temporarily. This two want to protect the world, but ironically both of them have different agendas. Devin believes that despite the flaws of the world, it should remain free and independent. However Cayde believes that because of its flaws, the world would be safe under the control of the federation.
NeoNimbus526's avatar
Oh yeah, that's true. Truces can be quite cautious, even in the midst of a threat.