JackOrJohn's avatar
She would look so good in a Hannibal Lecter mask.
artbirchly's avatar
Uh oh, she's gone pred  XD
If/when they do a sequel I kind of hope we don't see her again, she doesn't need a Lecter-like overexposure. I see Bellwether as a symptom of a prejudiced society, not the root of it.
JackOrJohn's avatar
If she would appear again, I would like some kind of fun done with her that is connected to her time in prison. She's pretty manipulative and diabolical, so I either see her trying playing it like a Lecter-like individual and try and plead insanity, or she's been hitting those weights, being considerably more musclebound since last time we saw her. To be honest, I think she's more like Lex Luthor than Hannibal.