ProfessorDoctorC's avatar
I mean if if i decide to do it, 1n 2018 Undertale will be totally forgotten and everyone will be into some new cute-turned-dark-turned-fetish thing
FishyCrea's avatar
It's already past it's prime. 2016 was the year Undertale was really, really relevant. Now, it's still retaining a decent fan base, which'll probably last for another year or two before it drops numbers again. As these thing go.

You could make the same argument for MLP, or Steven's Universe. Pop trends come and go, but typically there's always a fanbase leftover.
ProfessorDoctorC's avatar
Well, yeah, and that means that if i want something relevant in 2018 it will probably be something new that hasn't peaked yet.
FishyCrea's avatar
Oh, you little hipster artist you!
Clerf's avatar
Dang, laying down the sad truth