CRG-Free's avatar
Sometimes jokes can be someones greatest achievement. Look at LOLWut. An artist on here spent one night dead ass tired looking up Pop Surrealism. Next thing you know they have achieved world wide fame and acknowledgement, a Daily Deviation, 20K+ favorites media coverage around the world, and an official journal by Deviant Art bringing forth a badge in exchange for fan art. Some of the greatest ideas are just stuff out of nowhere. It's good raptor. Like genius level.

For instance tying a bow or ones shoes is an important life skill. I couldn't figure it out with my lack of finger mobility. I finally learned when I gave up and did something off the top of my head that in my head was quitting and resulted in me finding a different way to tie a bow. A joke found a great new background technique reaped in psychological benefits and strategies for bringing forth a user to feel a connection with a character without fully understanding why, which is the deepest way to make a lasting connection. With that background you are far more likely to get users in a bidding war and increase the number of autobuys. It effectively causes the viewer to develop a close bond with a character that without that background they might not even take a second glance.