Towers-of-Obscure's avatar
From an assassin to a country singer? How does that add up?
Prentis-65's avatar
The Red Ranger will be more serious than his Sentai counterpart, who's an idiot hero.
Towers-of-Obscure's avatar
That's going too far!
Prentis-65's avatar
And 5 of the rangers will be completely human compared to their Sentai counterparts, who are human-like aliens. And the other 5's unmorphed forms will be the same as their Sentai counterparts' unmorphed forms.
Prentis-65's avatar
And the Purple Dragon will be more serious than his Sentai counterpart.
Prentis-65's avatar
Just simple. And the Gold Robot will be smarter than his Sentai counterpart. And the Pink Robot will be cuckoo than her Sentai counterpart.