AngelLust155's avatar
I think people overreact way too much to this Bratz are bad influences.
You people know that Bratz aren't parents to these children right? It's the parents job to raise children right from wrong. Like mine did. I collected Bratz dolls when I was 9, I had a few friends and a cousin that collected them also, and a 6 year old cousin that did too. I'm a good person, my friends are, my cousin is one of the sweetest people ever, and my little cousins a sweetheart as well. You people haven't actually been in a Bratz fans shoes so you can't say they influenced us in a bad way. The real point of Bratz is expressing who YOU are and not caring what others think of you, and doing what YOU want to do. They've been teaching that for YEARS, the amount of years they've been here. They have a thing for fashion yes, but they also turned that into a profession. In the shows and movies they work on a fashion magazines cause it's something they enjoy doing, it's a job, and at least hte girls have flaws unlike Barbie. I'll admit, I was a huge Barbie fan when I was little and sometimes I still have a thing for them, but if you think Bratz are bad influences then you need to look at Barbie, sometimes to me she tells people to be perfect cause she can do just about anything, scratch that she CAN do anything. Again though, I give full responsibility towards the parents. If girls want to collect Bratz or Barbie's let them, I collected them both when I was little (and I was a Britney Spears and Spice Girls fan) and I'm a very good person now. I don't dress inappropriate and I never do inappropriate things, I put my dreams before boys, and I also have my own style and my own way of thinking. In some ways I do have Bratz to think for that, I really think collecting them help me discover who I truly was.
And truthfully, I've always found them to be very pretty, their look is unique to me.