Libra1010's avatar
 I like to see Creators take a number of different approaches to the same Setting, so I am as glad to know that you are Happy to make the effort to distinguish your take on Middle Earth from that of Sir Peter Jackson et al as I am to watch their own take on THE LORD OF THE RINGS and THE HOBBIT!Nod  
Artigas's avatar
So do I my friend. I really enjoyed LOTR and to some extent The Hobbit as well.
Libra1010's avatar
 It amuses me to realise that I might well belong to the very last generation which encountered the books before the films (the latter being a most POTENT gateway drug leading into the worlds of Classic Fantasy and the Epic); I actually read THE HOBBIT first and took a little while to be convinced that I should read its sequel.:D (Big Grin) 
Artigas's avatar
Same here. I am from 84's bath :D
Libra1010's avatar
 I am not too far off that vintage myself, but I shall admit nothing more.;) (Wink)