junoyasumii's avatar
Socorro wasn't used to this.

They weren't used to the darkness or all the noises and light at once, hell, they weren't even used wearing the Fissure. This was their first time. And boy, was it exhilarating.
Seeing their character on the screen, the one they've been trying to draw or describe but just couldn't do it well enough or one thing was missing, was exciting. Seeing Janna in his full, anxious 3D self made Socorro's heart lift and a smile to stretch across their face. They had no idea how long they spent on making him perfect-- probably hours -- but they made sure every detail, ever scar and freckle, was there.  Once they were finally pleased with how he looked, they entered the game.

Now that was terrifying. The darkness was comforting after they got used to it in the start, and the dimly lit character creation seemed like a safe haven after several hours. But the blinding flash of blue and white, and the oncoming expanse of gold was terrifying. Socorro -- well, Janna felt the wind pushing him, twisting him as he tried to steady himself. He was looking at his hands, in awe in how real they were, and didn't realize how close he was to the ground. He tried to use a spell, but he didn't know what he had available, and, in a flurry, landed into darkness once again.

Socorro raised their eyebrows. Was that it? Was that what this entire game was? A ten second free fall and then nothing? They almost considered calling their sister, reaching around for their phone when the lights appeared. The soft glowing orbs lifted around Janna, and Socorro felt themselves getting pulled back. Janna gasped when he sat up in the field, clinging to his chest and pulling at his cape, which felt too tight around his neck.

"You're welcome."

Janna looked around frantically. You're welcome? he thought, sitting up on his knees to peek over the long, golden strands of grass. He almost asked who was there, but the question was answered with a gruff, "I'm down here."

He looked down, just catching a glimpse of the small... goblin? Is that what it was. Socorro was thinking in their head of what it could be, but in game, Janna had nearly yelled, stumbling backwards and landing on his back in the field, clocking his head against the dirt. Quickly scrambling back up, Janna got to his feet, not hearing what the tiny goblin had said before he began walking away.

"H-hey wait!" Janna said, shocking both him and his player in how realistic his voice sounded. After a moment, the small human clamored after the goblin, being careful to avoid tripping on any uneven dirt or roots.

Socorro would not get used to this.