KittenPrince55's avatar
wish i could like this comment,, it's so goddamn true. also they always think that children's stuff belong to them?? my best friend is an age regressor too and posted a selfie of herself with a pacifier in her mouth, and someone commented "lmao i thought you hated ddlg" 

yeah um pacifiers don't fucking belong to your nasty pedophilic kink sweetie,, just because someone is childlike that doesn't mean they like your gross kink, baby stuff doesn't inherently belong to you 
FluffyKyubey42's avatar
Ugh, people need to realize that there is a huge difference between age regression and DDLG. I'm personally not into age regression but I don't mind if others are and I do know it can help cope with some trauma. DDLG, on the other hand, I cannot understand why someone would think it can help cope with trauma. Like, you were sexually taken advantage of a parental figure at a young age, why would you want to go through that again? Children are not physically or mentally ready for sex. And I know that these are adults, but one of them is roleplaying as a child and the other is pretending to have sex with a child. That is extremely f**ked up.